Thursday 27 November 2008

Angel or no angel?

I think we will blame (or more likely thank) Zohrah for this. I think I will drop the wings. Why?

If you look at the Renaissance Lady I stitched in 2007, you will notice how the two ladies are similar in attitude and design. So I thought they would look lovely as a pair, facing eachother.

But I didn't notice, until Zohrah talked about the wings. If you place the two ladies together, the wings are obsolete, I can't have a lady and an angel, it would be weird !!!!

So Zohrah, you probably saved me hours of stitching, especially with all the metallics in there !!! Although I don't see any problem with the colours?

Bliss? I don't have any audio book, but I'm trying to learn flemish though.... ;)


Le commentaire de Zohrah à propos des ailes m'a fait réfléchir. Je comptais mettre l'ange à côté de la Renaissance Lady que j'ai brodé l'an dernier. Car elles sont si similaires dans leurs attitudes et style, sorte de hiver/printemps.

Seulement dans cette optique, les ailes de l'ange sont de trop !!!! Et je n'y avais pas pensé. Mais voilà qui va m'éviter des heures de broderie, surtout qu'il y a pas mal de métallique dans le lot !


stitcherw said...

She's looking beautiful, what gorgeous colors. The wings really aren't needed, and without them she will be a lovely match with your earlier piece.

Kucki68 said...

I guess that means you will leave off the halo as well and possibly add more snowflakes to balance the missing wings? I am sure the ladies will look great together.

Alison said...

I agree with you that the wings are irrelevant especially if you have another piece that you can pair with this one! Hope you are managing the journey to work without too much stress. Hey, you could use the journey-time to learn Flemish in the car either with a CD or else tuning into the radio. Then it will make the journey bearable :-) Will email you next week, as I am away this w/end, so no stitching boo hoo!!

Cathy said...

I think she will look fine without the wings. Good progress.

Annie said...

Great idea. I love that Renaissance lady. These two will look great together as 'real live' people.

Nathdmc said...

Hummmm !!!! Très très jolie !!!! Tu as raison, elle ira très bien en opposition avec te Renaissance Lady !!!! Superbe travail ! Bonne continuation,
Bizoux, Nath.

Anonymous said...

She is looking beautiful :-)

I'm listening to Eragon on audiobooks..well now on Book 2...with Book 3 in tow (recently borrowed from library) to them all over again since Book 3 just been released recently.
