Monday 4 August 2008

Inchy 2 - Ribbon embroidery

The good thing with inchies is that in just a few stitches, you have a nice "stamp". Yesterday I used ribbon embroidery. I have to say it's a good thing I didn't start ribbon embroidery with a real big project, because I felt the ribbons very difficult to work with, they don't quite do what they are supposed to do. But for something like here, randomness helps a little bit...

Tatting Chic, you were asking about inchies... They are mini pictures, just 1 inch by 1 inch. Some are making them in paper, some in fabric, it's really up to the "artist". I guess it would be too small to put tatting on, unless you use very fine thread...


La bonne chose avec les inchies, c'est qu'en quelques points, on a deja fini le "timbre". Ici j'ai essaye de la broderie aux rubans, ce qui n'a pas ete sans mal, vu que les rubans son difficiles a manipuler... Heureusement que ce n'etait qu'un essai, et pas un grand projet serieux !!!!


Anonymous said...

Je le trouve tres tres joli !

Nathdmc said...

C'est super mimi ! je pense que je m'y essaierai, en faire une collection pour les cas ou.....
Bizoux et Bonne continuation,