Friday 11 April 2008

Lapinette is born...

Well... I'm on holiday since yesterday, and enjoying every minute of it... It's so nice to be relaxed and carefree... The sore throat tries to come back, but who cares?

Here is Lapinette, my latest amigurumi. Because I'm travelling on Saturday, I want something I can travel with, so yarn and size 4 hook isn't really an option.

Here she is made from perle cotton 8 and a size 1 hook. Why? Because I have bobbins of that stuff, and Hobbycraft was able to complete my collection of colours.

She is about 5cm high, and it's not easy to work with such small dimensions ! But it was worth it...


Je suis en vacances depuis hier, et j'en profite un max pour etre relax et sans soucis. J'ai bien mon mal de gorge qui essaye de se repointer, mais c'est pas grave...

Voici Lapinette, mon dernier amigurumi, 5cm de haut, faite avec du coton perle 8 et un crochet 1mm. C'est tout petit, et assez difficile a manipuler.

Il me fallait quelque chose de plus transportable que de la lainee t un crochet de 4mm, quand meme ! Et le choix de ce coton a ete dicte par sa disponibilite: j'en avais chez moi, et il y en a a Hobbycraft... Ben oui, comme quoi...


Ginny said...

She's very cute!

Lutine said...

Profites bien te vacances
Et montre nous encore des merveilles
Je vais m'acheter de la laine pour faire des miniatures aussi !

Anonymous said...

héhé encore un joli lapin!
repose toi bien! pour mes vacances, j'attends la fin du mois avec impatience!

Nathdmc said...

trop mimi ta Lapinette....
Bons congés et surtout reposes-toi bien pour chasser tous ces maudits microbes qui trainent.....
Big Bizoux, Nath.

Leeland said...

Love the bunny!
You're gonna laugh, I thought the totoro character was one of these Rayman silly rabbits at first... Lol! OK, don't be upset: I'm exhausted...

Anonymous said...

Despite being have kept yourself busy. So many pretty things. Any chance the cat is making another comeback?