Monday 24 March 2008

Still sick...

I naively thought that Thursday was the end of it, go home for Easter, leave the unpleasantness behind... but no.

First on Thursday night DBF had to drive me to the ER as I had a spectacular conjonctivitis (when your tears are getting yellow, it's not a good sign).
Then coughting never stopped, and my sore throat got so bad I cried in pain (Laryngitis). Also have a ear ache.
Needless to say I spent my easter week end in pain... and if there are signs of improvement, I doubt I could work tomorrow. For starters, I have no voice !

I's now 2 weeks and more that I'm sick, and I don't see the end of it !!! No stitching in a week either....

So if you don't hear from me in a while (I even doubt I'd be able to got o Olympia next Saturday !), you'll know why !!!

Thank you for your wishes, they will just have to work a bit harder ;)


Tourjours malade, avec une conjonctivite et une laryngite qui ne veulent pas partir (surtout le mal de gorge, c'est a pleurer parfois). Donc, pas spuer Paques, et je doute de pouvoir retravailler demain (deja, j'ai plus de voix).

Ca fait 2 semaines que je suis malade, et ca n'a pas trop l'air de s'arranger, mal de gorge, mal aux oreilles, toux, pas de broderie depuis plus d'une semaine, et je doute de pouvoir aller a Olympia samedi prochain.

Donc si vous ne voyez pas ce blog evoluer... vous savez pourquoi !!!

Merci pour vos voeux de retablissement, il faudra juste y travailler un peu plus ;)


patternnuts said...

I am doubling the get well soon wishes then....
Hang in there. A clear nose, throat, ears and head are in your near future.
Get better soon! :)

Ginny said...

Oh, San, you poor thing! You could try the "take two aspirin and call me in the morning" bit, but I don't think it'll help. Rest, drink plenty of fluids (if you can with that throat), and rest some more. How much time with no stitching can you take?

Lutine said...

Et ben repose toi bien !!

Anonymous said...

Beaucoup beaucoup de courage pour tenir le coup et surtout beaucoup de repos !!! Bons voeux de rétablissement et soignes toi bien !
Big bizoux, Nath.

Anonymous said...

Et bien....quelle poisse!!! Pleins de gros bisous et un prompt rétablissement (non parce que les microbes là, faut vous en aller...ça va bien!!!)

Anonymous said...

Oh dis dons c'est pas la forme !!!!!!!!
Gros bisous guériseeurs et reposes toi bien.

Anonymous said...

Hope you get well soon.

So that you don't feel you are alone. This is my week 7 of coughing. At least my lungs are clear from nasty stuff.


Anne R said...

Lots of get well-wishes coming your way from Sweden too - maybe some of our snow could've helped? ;)


Leeland said...

Tu m'as même laissé un souvenir... J'ai mal à la gorge depuis dimanche... Lol! Pour un peu, j'en rirais. Ben oui tiens, j'en ris... En me droguant à coup de tasses de thé citron miel jusqu'à plus soif...
Vas voir un docteur!!!

Sachiko said...

Hope you get well soon!!

stitcherw said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that you are still sick. I hope that you can start feeling better soon, the symptoms sound totally miserable.