Saturday 16 February 2008

Fimo rose

A little saturday morning crafty blob... For a while I admired those lovely pins with flowers or other stuff on... And I thought "I could do that with fimo !!!"

But then I remembered my oven is broken (yes, I'm not the luckiest in the world at the moment...), so I searched for microwave fimo cooking alternative. Note that it's written on all Fimo packages that you can't cook in the microwave, because of the fumes.

But some people experimented with cooking small fimo objects in water in the microwave, and guess what? It works !!!! And it only took 3 minutes !!! Of course I did it on a tiny thing, in old hardened fimo... But it could be the answer to my cracking fimo in the warm air oven !!!!

Not much stitching yesterday, as I just got "PicPic" and "Cooking Mama 2" for my DS... video games players will see the drama straight away....

Plus Curly seems to have huge blocks to stitch... I'm still in the sheep and I used 2 6 strands threads already !!!!

I've put my mini rose in the cushion Lili made me for Christmas. It's hung in the hall, under my "Welcome" frame, so it's the first thing I see when entering the house.


Une petite rose en fimo sur epingle... Juste un petit test ! Enfin, la difficulte a ete que mon four est casse, et donc j'ai cherche des alternatives sur internet pour cuire au microondes (un truc interdit d'apres le fabricant, pour cause de fumees toxiques), et j'ai trouve !

Il suffit de mettre dans de l'eau, et de ne cuire que 3 minutes. Ca marche pour les mini trucs, evidemment... je doite que ca marche pour les trucs plus gros !

J'ai pas beaucoup brode hier, vu que j'ai eu "PicPic" et "Cooking Mama 2" pour ma DS, et vous savez ce que ca signifie... Sinon ben Curly est plein de gros blocks, je suis encore dans le mouton et j'ai deja utilise 2 fils de 6 brins !!!!

J'en profite pour montrer le coussin que Lili m'a offert a Noel, et sur lequel j'ai mis la rose. Il est dans l'entree, si bienque c'est la premiere chose que je vois en rentrant !!!


Leeland said...

What a lovely rose! It was a good idea to place it in the pillow: first they go together very well, and second, it helps me to see how tiny this rose is!!!
I'm very happy and touched that my little pillow welcomes you home, San...
Lots of hugs,

stitcherw said...

Lovely rose, and how clever to figure out how to use the microwave. It looks very pretty on the pillow to greet you when you come home. Curly is looking wonderful too, fun project. I don't have this one yet, but do have Home of a Needleworker (too) ordered.

Unknown said...

Your clay rose looks much better than mine do. You might need to post some Fimo tutorials ;) Great job figuring out the microwave thing!

Thanks for your comments about my knitting needle case. I've restarted in different (but equally bright) colors, and it looks much better... so I think it was the orange that's the problem, lol.

Anonymous said...

Tu as eu de jolis cadeaux! Le mien est coincé aux douanes, je l'attends, et la taxe qui va avec! Ta rose est superbe, elle fait plus rebondie que celles qu'on voit des fois, un peu aplaties, c'est bien plus joli comme ça! Curly avance petit à petit, je vais y arriver! Je suis un vrai escargot!! Bon jeux aussi ;-D

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

It's gorgeous! Congrats...I experimented doing pins myself...with not as much luck as you however....